Thursday, February 6, 2020

Hail to the Chief

With the recent events of this week:
1. Comical implosion of the Iowa Democratic Caucus
2. Successful State of the Union Address
3. Trump impeachment sham finally over

I felt compelled to start this blog. It may not always be about politics, but this week politics are certainly front and center.

First some background:
I voted for Donald Trump in 2016, not so much because I thought he'd make a great (or even good) president, but because there was NO WAY I was going to vote for the shrill bitch that was the other choice. We already had 8 years of Clintons in the White House, and that was enough. Also, in the years leading up to the 2016 election, it was clear Clinton was a self-entitled, self-serving opportunist who just assumed it was her right to have the presidency handed to her. She and the DNC orchestrated things to ensure that she would get the Democratic nomination. Even with all that, Bernie Sanders still made it a close race.

Meanwhile, on the Republican side, the usual bland cast of characters were trotted out (Jeb Bush, Mitt Romney (or was that 2012?), and other suspects), but added to the mix was Donald Trump, a Washington outsider and successful businessman (albeit with a history of bankruptcies) who had a reputation of getting things done. That even the RNC machine was against him made his outsider status even more appealing to folks who have had enough of the status quo.

So I voted for him. ("How bad could he be? Worst case, we can avoid having Clinton in charge, and we can replace Trump in 4 years if he's a disaster.")

But Trump HAS gotten things done! Sure, he's completely politically incorrect, and says dumb things sometimes, but he has kept his campaign promises, and gets things done! What other president in recent memory has done that? He's also accomplished this while having every Democrat (and early on, many Republicans) against him, doing their best to grind Washington to a halt, lest Trump get credit for something.

4/14/20 edit: Blogging here has ceased to be entertaining. At first, pointing out the many shortcomings of the dishonest Democratic party officials and fake news "journalists" was like shooting fish in a barrel. There is a never-ending parade of Chumps to shine the spotlight on.

But all that negativity is not good for one's well-being, so I have deleted the posts for all the degenerate chumps (lying Democrats, pandering and lying on-air and off-air reporters of CNN and MSNBC, and left-wing nutjobs in the entertainment industry) that I previously posted (plus a few good guys), and am leaving you with the person that is guiding the USA through the pandemic (no, not sleazy Joe Biden), President Donald J. Trump.